LOONS: Radical Hardliners Attack N’shei Women’s Event in Yerushalayim [SEE VIDEO]

A mega-gathering of all the N’shei organizations from across Yerushalayim devolved into chaos Sunday night when a group of Eitz hardliners attacked and attempted to break up the event.

The event, which was sponsored by Eretz HaKodesh, served as inspiration and chizzuk to the 500+ women who joined and featured Rebbetzin Yamima Mizrachi as the keynote speaker, as well as music by Mrs. Mimi Luria, as well as an address from an Eretz Hakodesh representative who explained the important work that they do.

In middle of the event, a bunch of goons who had heard about it through the various flyers distributed around Yerushalayim neighborhoods, crashed the event and began making problems.

At first, the hoodlums locked the doors to the venue with cable ties, then broke down the door and began throwing objects and stink bombs at the women. They proceeded to then attempt to physically destroy the event, overturning tables and knocking down signs.

Eventually, the women were able to get the radical loons out and police arrived to ensure the safety of the attendees.

“The event went on as scheduled, and it was beautiful despite certain individuals’ attempts to stop it,” an event attendee told YWN. “Ootzoo eitzah v’sufar, dabru davar v’lo yakum.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

44 Responses

  1. To Sfaradi:
    “Meron tragedy”—————-
    One Rav mentioned about the Meron tragedy, look at all the previous years, no one ever died in Meron.
    Every single year since 1948, many people came to Meron. During the past 40 years thousands and thousands of people visited Meron on Lag BeOmer, no one died.
    This is a pure miracle year after year thousands of people coming to Meron and everyone returned home safely. Every single year Hashem made a miracle and there were no tragedies at Meron .
    According to simple science , when you have 50,000 people in a small area, it will become similar to Mecca in Saudi Arabia and many people got trampled to death in Saudi Arabia.
    Just recently in South Korea about 150 people got crushed to death because the crowd was too large.

  2. I saw a video of one of these pigs protesting smartphone usage while smoking a cigarette. Interesting! I wonder who the REAL baal taiva is.

  3. The kids in their community all smoke, drink and vape at the age of four. They have absolutely ZERO Derech Eretz for anyone or anything, they make a Chilul Hashem all day everyday. But they wear polish hats, a hat originally from GOYIM, so they’re the holy ones? Lol.

    They’re Shkatzim. They’re all smoking, drinking and protesting while the Chayalim are risking their lives for THEM to walk freely.

    No wonder why the Meron tragedy happened.

  4. Chazeirim should be their new title. “Chareidim” is too nice of a term for these thugs. These chazeirim should have their Yichus examined, because there isn’t a hint of Jewish in their actions.

    Funny thing is, you never see these disgusting pigs learning in the Bet Midrash. They are always outside in the streets like a group of thugs beating people up, protesting, blocking streets, throwing empty bottles…

    They are not spiritually better than Chilonim. In fact, they’re worse.

  5. It looks like it wasn’t that balloon popper’s first rodeo. The soda snatcher has gotta up his game a tad. Not smooth at all.

  6. It’s interesting, back in the day, the American frum community would not have heard about events like this or at least would not have seen videos of it. Now with YWN posting things like this, it forces to confront face to face violent and distasteful practices by their co-bretheren in Eretz Yisrael.

  7. “Kol hakavod for the mekadshei Shem Shamayim who stood up for what’s right and disrupted this event”. Whatever your opinion about the WZO, to call this infantile behavior by grown (bored) men, is a joke, Yanky1998. I don’t know which 2 gedolei hador this guy is a grandson of, but if they really (are) (were) gedolim, could you imagine them popping balloons or doing anything else these infants were doing? C’mon, any בעל שכל knows this isn’t the way mature people do things and that it won’t accomplish anything (besides a possible חילול ד’)

  8. Know the details before you post, YWN!

    This is not stam some protest of kanoyim. One of the ppl involved (on the video) is a grandson of 2 gedolei HaDor. It’s against WZO.

    The WZO is an organization that klal Yisroel has always stayed away from until two Young Israel guys came a few years ago and without any letter or video or proof, came out and said Rav Chaim holds of joining it. Now that he is no longer with us it is very difficult to disprove this, but at the time it was disproven by HaRav Aharon Feldman. Eretz Hakodesh is a scam so obvious that it’s pathetic.

    Also, Eretz Hakodesh has caused tremendous chillul Hashem as there are secular papers saying that finally the chareidim have accepted the notion of Zionism. Look it up.

    They’re a bunch of ppl who want to make a new generation of ‘Bnei Torah’ with black hats and jackets but the hashkafa of religious zionists / modern orthodox.

    Stay away from them! Kol hakavod for the mekadshei Shem Shamayim who stood up for what’s right and disrupted this event.

  9. The Chareidim oppose the Eretz Hakodesh organization but hooliganism is not an acceptable strategy. This is a sad day for frum Jews.

  10. Why legitimize these animals by giving them this respectable name “radical hardliners”.
    No, they are nothing but crazed criminally insane rats, they have the morals and intelligence of rabies infected sewer rats.
    And my apologies to rats, at least rats have some usefulness, we use them for all kind of experiments.
    But these gangsters,society has absolutely no benefit from, these criminals don’t work and certainly don’t learn, don’t join the army in helping defend the country they live in .
    They are bored out of their minds, and fill out their useless and empty lives, by rioting and causing mayhem and running after women etc,etc,
    It’s high time the government takes off their silk gloves when handling these gangsters and criminals.

  11. “philosopher”, “BMG” and “Shomer Shabbat” are the only three comments from all the above that got this situation understood correctly.

  12. “a bunch of goons” “the hoodlums” lol. Events like these lead, if allowed to continue, would lead women to being fully liberated and out of control, like secular women. I support these brave men.

  13. Please dont share such articles that exaggerate and spread fake-news, sinas chinam, and motzei shem rah.
    I was at the event. There was a very minor short disturbance by a small group of ‘unusual’ individuals. It was no big deal. Just a few bored clowns we feel bad for.

  14. I did vote for gimmel, though, in the end, even though you said I was joking on the family chat.
    Sorry, I just couldn’t not…

  15. @BMG: Nicely phrased. YWN is so sick… “Eitz”! Disgusting liars.
    On a different note: I really feel bad for the guys crashing the event… they look so frigging stupid… and I feel bad for the women, but honestly, the guy trying unsuccessfully to pop the balloons…!? Saw that!? Not shayach! What a loser.

  16. America has nothing to do with Israel….nor the Jews who refuse to come here, nudniks…..shame on all of you….we are one group shabbos jews and that is all we should consider…agree on Americans with long wigs and short skirts….where is their heads….of course in a mall….time to teach these women yiddishkite and stop their girls from creating a worse balagan….this happened for a reason…

  17. I was at the event. It was a beautiful event with the goal of bringing achdus into the lives of American women who chose to live their lives in Eretz yisroel (specifically Ramat Eshkol for now, since it’s the kick off event)- the message was to make individual nsheis by block, in order to give us friends to lean on, and make it easier to live here in the long run. Eretz Hakodesh sponsored the event, and gave a 5 minute speech about what they do and their goals(which from R Malinowits speech is about giving frum American jews a greater voice, to counteract the louder voice “American Jews”, which is run by reform), and the importance of voting. The rest of the speeches were about achdus, and ended in a stunning song presentation, kumzits and dancing.
    Before the event, my husband came home from shul saying people were calling the event a “kinnos” about voting(which is not what the founder of the organization intended at all). I believe that is why the protesters came. Simply, misinformation. The flyers they were throwing were against Eretz Hakodesh.
    It was really upsetting, that a event with such pure intentions, had this happen. My good friend, who put 6 months of work into making it happen, should not have had to deal with it.
    Baruch hashem they were able to keep them out of the main room, and the event was able to proceed till the end.

  18. Before I saw the video I thought that the troublemakers were non frum Yidden. What on earth was their problem?? A gathering of frum women??? Time to start a group called Psychos anonymous. Hashem yerachem.

  19. Why is YWN posting this at all?

    It’s also unprofessional to write half a story.

    What was the event about?

    Just look at the comments and see what this article does.
    Poking fun and humiliating Yerushalmis, if you agree with them or not.
    An article should be judged by its comments and by the way people react.

    It’s disturbing and disappointing to see a Frum News Website jumping on an opportunity to mock Yerushalmis

  20. User176 — What’s going on? Philosopher explains it: it’s about their wigs and skirts. Philosopher explains it: “Rav Dov Landau said it is avodah Zara.” It comes down to what it usually comes down to: W____ are getting uppity.

  21. Army! All of them! They’ll learn to treat another Jew with respect! Shame on them!

    If any of those “men” (who act like toddlers) are married, I pity their wives. I pity their daughters.

    Shame on them!

  22. “A group of eitz hardliners”
    Eitz is a part of the LITVISH community in Eretz Yisroel in the footage you see almost all chassidim
    Additionally, the gedolim of degel haTorah (representing the majority of the litvish community in Eretz yisroel) have also come out against “Eretz HaKodesh” (as has the Agudas Yisroel of America in a letter last year which can be found on its website) it was recently reported in the news in Eretz yisroel (google it) that degel haTorah threatened to sue askonim who claimed they supported Eretz hakodesh and the senior gadol of degel haTorah Rav Dov Landau said it is avodah Zara
    So let’s not confuse things
    1) kanaim seemingly Satmer crashed this event
    2) both factions of the litvish community Eitz originally and degel recently (google it) have come out against Eretz hakodesh
    3) the Agudah of America representing the litvish and Chasidish community in the US wrote a letter which was published on their website last year against Eretz hakodesh after it was proven that the original claim that rav chaim kanievsky signed a letter for them was debunked (they didn’t forge a letter they never publicized it in the first place)
    It is important that when reporting on the misguided actions of a few not to forget that it doesn’t make the organization kosher at all

  23. Now I finally understand why Hashem does not physically stop the arabs from hurting us.
    When we have inside fighting amongst us, Hashem allows all H-e-l-l to brake loose.
    I think these Chevra are completely burnt out.

  24. What was the event about?

    I honestly feel bad for the Yerushalmim, the so-called “radical hardliners”. More and more Americans are flooding Yerushalayim and the Chareidi neighborhoods; women with ridiculously long wigs and short skirts, shopping malls, resturaunts and excessive materialism are popping up like mushrooms and destroying the character of the Chareidi community in Yerushalayim that was all about Torah and simplicity.

  25. Is this a Bardok parody with Eisenbach as chief Gevalt! screamer?? What about the balloon buster guy?? Such boring lives these nebachs must lead to do this to these women.

  26. Is there anything more היפך הצניעות than a group of grown men fighting with a bunch of women?

    Abi to pop a few balloons, אלץ ווערט מותר…

  27. Take a picture of their faces for the next time they come here for money.

    I’m sure their parents and wives are so proud of them.

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