Regarding Golani Captain Omer Rabinovitch, 23, from Arad, friends explain “he was always in the right place at the right time. There was no such thing that one needed him, his advice or a hand and he was not there”.
Hundreds were on hand in Arad on erev Shabbos to pay their last respects to their young friend, including soldiers who fought with him in the Second Lebanon War.
Shuki Orbach, whose son served under Captain Omer, told participants in the levaya how his son and other soldiers loved and respected their commander. He explained that Omer was always concerned with the needs and safety of his soldiers.
(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)
3 Responses
dear thinking out loud – many thanks to you for putting into such beautiful words what klal yisrael is and should be thinking. this is the tzaar of us all. may we never have to lose another young man with a future to the arabs yimach shemam and the fight for freedom. we are all united in good and bad times. we all need to be lev achad. whether isareli, american, european, japanese, chinese or any natioinality that is suffering from terrorism (and we all are – even if we have not been hit yet)
Hashem yerachem all the soldiers that are fighting for us and their families.
hamakom yenachem otchem btoch shaar aveilei tzion v’yerushalayim
To the Family of Captain Omer Rabinovitch:
I am writing this with a heavy heart. I am a Jew who lives in safety in the United States. I have never experienced the fear of an air raid siren.
But I care anyway.
Because I have many, many relatives in Eretz Yisrael. I have a cousin who lives in Arad. She and her husband are Chasidim. They are followers of the Gerrer Rebbe. I have cousins who live in Emmanuel. And Ashdod. And Telz Stone. And Givat Ze’ev. And Bnei Brak. And Tel Aviv. And Haifa. And Efrat. And Kiryat Shemona. And Yerushalayim.
Some wear black.
Some wear blue.
Some wear green.
it doesn’t matter.
your son and his buddies were killed while fighting to ensure that the rest of us can eat, sleep, daaven, keep Shabbos, do mitzvos, and learn Torah… in PEACE.
Thank you.
Your son has joined the ranks of my heroes.
May his memory and heroism be a source of nechama for your family.
Hamakom Yenachem Eschem B’soch She’ar Aveilei Tzion Viyerushalayim.
Tehay Neshmaso Tzrurah B’Tzror Hachaim.
Avinu Malkeinu, Ahsay Lema’an Harugim al Shem Kadshecha.
Avinu Malkeinu, Ahsay Lema’an Tevuchim al Yichudecha
The very least we can do is go to the rally today. No doubt, most will say they have no time.