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Shocking Greek Newspaper Headline: Obama Victory Signals End of Jewish Domination

bush isr.jpgThe American Jewish Committee expressed anger at the front-page headline in today’s issue of Avriani, a mainstream daily newspaper in Greece.

The newspaper’s headline, in bold letters, read: “The anticipated victory of Obama in the U.S. elections signals the end of Jewish domination. Everything changes in the USA and we hope that it will be more democratic and humane.”

“This vile and scurrilous headline draws on classic anti-Semitic canards of Jewish conspiracy and domination,” said AJC Executive Director David A. Harris. “How could any responsible media outlet peddle such outright nonsense?”

Harris added: “Opinion polls consistently show that Senator Obama will receive from two-thirds to three-fourths of the votes of American Jews. Thus, according to the newspaper’s perverse logic, Jews are voting overwhelmingly for ‘the end of Jewish domination.’ In reality, Jews, like other Americans, celebrate democracy, participate in the political system across the spectrum, and engage in a wide range of civic activity. To suggest something darker and more sinister is to distort reality beyond recognition and fan the flames of religious and ethnic hatred.”

“We fully recognize that Greece, as a democracy, enjoys freedom of the press,” Harris concluded, “and we also understand that the views of Avriani – which has a history of anti-Semitic agitation – are its own, not the nation’s. In that spirit, we hope to hear the voices of those in Greece who recognize these views for what they are – unabashed anti-Semitism.”

AJC and the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece have been longstanding partners. AJC has often visited Greece, met with its leaders, and sought to build strong bonds of friendship, while also maintaining close ties with the Greek Orthodox Church and the Greek-American community.

15 Responses

  1. Well, considering how certain “responsible” media outlets here in the United States peddled classic canards of Muslim/Jewish/black radical/Communist conspiracy and domination with regard to Senator Obama, it doesn’t appear that there’s a monopoly in Greece on media irresponsibility and willful ignorance of fact.

    I think, though, that Avriani is going to have to retract its headline, given that President-elect Obama has named Rahm Emmanuel, son of an Irgun member and attendee of a modern Orthodox shul, as his Chief of Staff. Oh look –the anti-Semites are already beginning again. {ProfJonathan}

    Moderators Note: Link was deleted.

  2. well just ask any cheder yingel (or grown up) and they will tell u the same thing. why are they guilty then us (just check out the coffe room “prepare to leave america” etc.

  3. ProfJonathan:
    The site has a counter. You should not direct us there, it only inflates his numbers. There’s no shortage of our son’im.
    Agav, for a conservative who held his nose & voted for McCain, I am impressed with the Rahman move. The Mezuzah which supposedly is currently on the office adjacent to the Oval Office currently occupied by Joshua Bolten will have to stay in place :).

  4. My apologies for the unintended boosting of any anti-Semite’s traffic; the deletion of the link was appropriate. The point still remains valid, though. {ProfJonathan}

  5. come on yidden!!!! where is a little faith?? Don’t you realize that Barak HUSSEIN Obama being elected as president of the United States was completely against all logic and human nature just 7 years after 9/11? This is so obviously crystal clear YAD HASHEM!! And as for this “scary” greek headline in their farshtinkana newspaper who cares?? I unserstand it is bothersome but may I remind you of the: Mitzriyim, Yeanim, Romans, Babylonians, Spanish Inquisitions, Rusian Progroms, Germans, etc….who yelled out how they will get rid of klal yisroel? Yet where are they?! I don’t see paroah anywhere! Where is Haman? Where is Antiyochis? These huge powerful figures??? My dear fellow jews we dont sing “v’hi sheamda” every pesach seder for o reason! Our real true president has been in office since the beginning of time. Hakodosh Boruch Hu matzileinu miyadam! We need not fear any goy, arab or natzi, or a human being like Obama. We have Hashem on our side, and He has been with us from the begining. We say shema every night to our beloved Hashem, our Father who loves us deeply, not to Obama Hussein yimach simo vizichro. If this is Hashems way of bringing moshiach then Obama is merely a messenger from Hashem and all we can do is learn, daven and behave the best we can. the bigest way we can fight back these rishaim is to keep our emunah and bitachon STRONGER than EVER!!! HAtzlach rabbah!

  6. I wonder how all the Greek diner owners who make big bucks off of many non frum Jews will react if confronted with this. Then again we can’t blame everyone for the actions of some…

  7. Greek-American here. It’s an obscenely populist libellous “Daily Dirt”-type para-political tabloid. In the early 80s it was mainstream, but soon enough became unpopular and notorious. “Avrianistis” (=reader of Avriani) is one of the many Greek words for “crackpot”.

    Get your facts straight and stop blaming a whole country or ethnic group for a few bad apples. This would be the equivalent of the whole world afraid of visiting the United States because of the “bat boy” articles printed in Weekly World News…c’mon now, let’s get a grip…know your news sources.

  8. Wait till they find out that Obama’s Chief of Staff is a Jew whose father was born in Yerushalyim and fought in the Irgun; his senior adviser is Jewish – David Axelrod; a top contender for the National Security Agency is a Jew by the name of Steinberg and the top contender for Treasury Secretary is Lawrence summer – also a Yid. There are also the largest number of Jews in Congress ever. It would appear that “Jewish domination” is increasing. Someone must let that Geeek newspaper know.

  9. well, being a Jewish Greek (and NOT a Greek Jew) let me add that non-Jewish Greek attitude towards Jews, Judaism, Jewish Greeks etc is more subtle than a bland headline at newspaper “Avriani”. Do your research and draw your own conclusions . . .

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