Bes Din and a response to the Agudath Israel Article

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    Obviously both parties to the b’d case accepted the b’d’s jurisdiction prior to its hearing the case and rendering a decision. Now that one side lost and is acting like a sore loser and challenging the b’d’s decision in non-Jewish court (which is a violation of halacha), is simply sour grapes. If there were any objections to the impartiality of the b’d they should have raised it prior to the b’d case – not after they lost it.



    The Bd jurisdiction is only accepted for the reasons I enumerated above! People accept the jurisdiction of BD expecting it to be a fair trial! But when the BD is skewed to the favor of one party (as in the case above) the other party is forced to go to the secular courts in order to fight it! They aren’t sore losers! you make it seem like people can tell if BD is being partial to one party BEFORE the case begins! How would people know this before the case begins!! these BD are supposed to be reputable places of Din!!


    I would not submit to another din torah unless the dayanim are known to me and the baal din, that they should have some busha and not do what I sas a BD do in brooklyn. The system is indeed broken in the private sector batei din. I have had even worse luck in EY, if you are small potatoes, or a “headache” they will chase you away.

    I think this is the yagon va’anacha that we daven to be saved from in bracah hasheeva shofteinu.



    This is exactly my point! This is why i was saying that the Agudah should first focus on that before other things, specially this instance where they are trying to change a law that helps unfortunate yidden from corrupt batei dinim.


    asking the government to change a law in a way that it will be singling out Jews from others is a major mistake!! Why are we trying to make ourselves more conspicuous in this Galus!!?? this is how things started in Europe! Laws became specific to certain ethnic/religious groups as opposed to being a blanket over all citizens! Asking that the law be changed for us is only going to be detrimental to our welfare in this country!! If that proposal was passed, where would you draw the line? maybe many other laws should be changed in regards to Jews as well!

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