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    Who gives a quick, clear, easy daf yomi shiur just on the days daf without going into all the deep explanations?

    jewish source




    Do you understand Yiddish. If yes, I have a very good one for you.


    I want someone who is on kol haloshon or kol hadaf.


    I understand yiddish a bit, I don’t think I would understand a whole shiur though 🙁


    I want someone who gives it over in English.

    jewish source

    I could send you my shiur if there is a way


    Try Daf Hachaim its in english


    Try the finkorswim website.

    a good 30 minute straight peshat

    edited. I changed my mind about the links.


    eman: I would stay away from that guy. The ideas he expresses (elsewhere and potentially anywhere) is borderline apikorsus.


    Vochindik, you should be ashamed. Aside from slandering Rabbi Fink, you are spreading untruths that moirehdik yidden might believe. His opinions are far from apikorsus. Look at your own neshoma first. His has a chazokoh of purity. Before Roish Hashono – shame! Also, his daf is wonderful.

    I allowed the link. However, YW absolutely does not endorse his website, or his shiur.

    This particular moderator has been quite dismayed by some of his writings as well. -95


    found the website… dafhachaim dot org I see it has also 5 min. review video.


    May I ask why moderators inject their opinions on this website? (see Motis shem tov’s comments)

    Why shouldn’t we? Don’t we have opinions?

    And if you are afraid that it biases us, wouldn’t you rather know what our biases are than be blind to them?

    Besides, it was a compromise for the fact that I bent the rules and approved the link.


    Why shouldn’t we? Don’t we have opinions?

    Moderating isn’t for injecting your opinion in other’s posts. Posts generally should approved, rejected, or in some cases edited in order to pass approval.

    There is no reason why you can’t make your own post with your opinion.

    It was relevant to the issue of why I had approved the link. So it belonged there.


    Try livedaf.net from the Toronto kollel. It moves at a quick pace and the maggid shiur is very good.

    Hatzlacha rabbah.


    “is borderline apikorsus”

    vochindik, I can not stand when those with little Torah knowledge pass judgement on Talmedei Chachamim (Torah scholars). In this case you are deciding on a Musmach (someone who got smicha) of Ner Israel.

    Based upon your posts in other threads you are strong in the knowledge of Right Wing talking points, but weak in Talmud knowledge.


    I try to keep the Daf to an hour, thirty minutes for an average size daf, or the long Dapim in Berakhot, would be just reading the original and leaving out a lot of the translation.



    i concur.

    the fact that he once was in Ner Yisrol doesn’t make it any better.

    Rabbi risken doesn’t speak for yu.

    (although, Rabbi risken’s much worse.)


    Is the avak lashon Hara about Rabbi Shlomo Riskin or another Riskin? Just want to know so I can be properly muchshal. Vochindick, is your definition of Apikorsus anyone who doesn’t agree with your Rav? Please give a clear example of what Finkorswim says that is Apilkorsis and your friends online can decide whether or not you are just another frum guy blowing smoke or whether you are credible. Does he actaully say that anything in Torah She’baal Peh or BichTav is not true?? If not, I would advise you that Motzi Shem Ra is punnishable if not by a fine, by social condemnation


    Dear Moderator,

    1) The definition of ‘moderator,’ at least according to Merriam Webster, is “one who presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion.” It is NOT an invitation to inject your own opinion. If you wish to do that, approve the comment and then add a comment of your own afterward. It is bad enough that this site enforces anonymity, enabling people to leave nasty and hurtful messages without fear of reprisal. But for a moderator to hide his identity even by concealing his own YWN username is highly suspect and inappropriate.

    2) The YWN rules for the Coffee Room (see http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/rules-of-the-ywn-coffee-room-please-read) are very clear that hateful posts are prohibited “no matter how right you think you are,” loshon horah is prohibited, and demeaning Torah is prohibited. Your thoughts, or others’ thoughts of the Torah-related or non-Torah-related positions of any rabbonim, whether it be FinkOrSwim or Rabbi Riskin, have no place in this forum. You are certainly welcome within those rules to quote their opinions and debate them on the merits, but the ad hominem attacks are totally inappropriate and they should be removed by moderators.

    3) As to your comment that YWN doesn’t endorse FinkOrSwim’s shiur, it shouldn’t be endorsing anyone’s shiur, but certainly shouldn’t make lack of such endorsement look like a proscription, the way you did.

    4) As to your comment removing the link because “I changed my mind about the links,” that too is inappropriate. You are representing the YWN organization, and, as such, are not an “I.” If you want to hide behind the rule which states that outside links may be permitted at the discretion of the moderators (see site linked above, an internal link which is permitted by the rules), by all means, say that the decision has been reversed. But based on all the above invective, it is clear that you are bowing to pressure and/or have low personal opinion of FinkOrSwim’s site. Be honest and say so. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can search for him online. But the way you did it is inappropriate.

    I signed my number to the original post. -95



    Yes, his first name is shlomo. The one who calls yuska a rabbi. That one. Happy?

    Regarding rabbi fink,

    Do your own hw.


    And if a conservative rabbi says something we must respect it? Of course not. Just because a rabbi calls himself orthodox does not mean what he says is anything orthodox.


    rocker – On Kol Haloshon there are shiurim from Rabbi Dovid Grossman. I think it fits into what you are looking for exactly. It is in English, clear, and doesn’t go beyond the pashut pshat in the Gemara.


    Rabbi Grossman’s shiurim can also be found on E-daf.com

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