dont you just LOVE the NYT

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    ☕️coffee addict

    i passed a newsstand today and there on the front page on the top no less where everyone can see it is the picture of the floridian palestinian kid who the police bruttaly beat up

    i dont remember them posting any front page pictures of the 3 boys

    ahh the NY times, all the lopsided news thats fit to print


    There are many things I would like to write about the NYT.

    But based on past experience, the mildest expressions of disgust will be deleted by the mods.

    And mild expressions are not even what I had in mind in this instance.

    So that’s about all I can say to you, coffeeaddd…


    the NYT makes a great lining for kittys box.


    You insult the kitties lining the box with that.


    Anagram for The New York Times, anyone?


    ☕️coffee addict

    enemy sit, work

    best i could do, trying to think of others with enemy

    ☕️coffee addict

    tried it, cant find others


    Try Monkeys Write or Monkey Writes (whichever you prefer)

    ☕️coffee addict

    good one but its disparaging to monkeys


    True true!

    By the way, is anyone really surprised? The NYT has been doing this for years. Nothing new!

    🐵 ⌨ Gamanit

    the yento w krimes

    ☕️coffee addict

    todays pic

    an airstrike on gaza


    “dont you just LOVE the NYT”


    They have yet to do tshuvah for parroting the Bush Administration’s lies on Iraq that led to that disastrous war.

    And I personally haven’t forgiving them for selling their classical music station WQXR.


    Um…Charlie, what lies were they? Do you mean the lies about the WMDs that the very same NYT is reporting have fallen into the hands of ISIS? I guess sarin and mustard gases aren’t really WMDs, are they? Oh, and don’t give me that business about Bush lying about Iraq’s nuclear weapons. He never said thaey had nukes. He did say that Iraq had WMDs and that the concern was that they could end up in the hands of terrorists. Golly!! Ya think?



    The real proof that the NY Slimes is terrible is that they carried Avi Weiss’s anti frum screed against the State of Israel.

    And their knee jerk support of the most ridiculously left wing policies.

    And their unbelievably anti Orthodox Jewish stance.

    But I guess all that is not bothersome to you.

    ☕️coffee addict


    i guess covering for obama is their idea of tshuva

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Charlie, is WQXR appreciably different than it was?


    A good anagram is ENEMY RISK TWO or TEENY SKI WORM


    Fact is, good people don’t run for president (most of the time).


    Ah, so the NY Times is ok as long as it parrots Republican lies. Got it.


    Charlie, there aren’t two realities, one D and the other R. There is only one reality and partisanship does not alter it. The simple fact is that Iraq did posess WMDs and the current news proves it. Whether that was sufficient justification for invasion is arguable (I never thought it was the main reason, but that’s another story). Your buddy John Maynard Keynes was famously quoted in the following exchange. When taken to task for changing his position on a particular issue, he is reported to have said, “When the facts change, I change my mind. What, sir, do you do?”



    The only person who said that there was only one issue with the Slimes was you. On something which history has proven you factually wrong. Which is not surprising.

    The fact that they are virulently anti Israel means nothing to you.

    That the wildly skew stories about Jewish people, particularly frum people is fine with you.

    That they allow themselves to be a platform for Avi Weiss’ rants to increase mamzerim is just peachy.

    That they tout one of the worst presidents in History just because race and they praise his communist like policies which are devastating this country gets you tapping your feet?

    That they are at the forefront of the moral decline of this country, considering deviant lifestyles to be praiseworthy is aligned with your hashkafos?

    I see that it is not just the shitos of college professors that are kruma, but the logic is even more so. There is no other explanation for your exceedingly silly comment, other than misfiring synapses.

    ☕️coffee addict

    nisht said it for me

    ☕️coffee addict

    the Times are at it again with a picture of a broken house in Gaza, what shaychis why is this front page news? only the anti-Semitic hags that work for them know the answer to this


    You sound surprised


    I love the NYT so buzz off.

    ☕️coffee addict


    I sort of am, I would expect if nothing happens they wouldn’t report anything


    that’s nice, so you don’t have to patronize this thread, I started it and I can post whatever I want!

    so you Buzz off :p

    ☕️coffee addict


    I sort of am, I would expect if nothing happens they wouldn’t report anything


    that’s nice, so you don’t have to patronize this thread, I started it and I can post whatever I want!

    so you Buzz off :p


    NYT actually has some great stuff.

    It’s just that their Israel coverage gives me higher blood pressure than a 17 year old should have.

    Patur Aval Assur

    (You can see it on CrossCurrents)

    The Spokesman for Agudah was generally satisfied with their reportage of the Israel-Gaza conflict.

    ☕️coffee addict

    PAA did you see his article on Obama?

    I was told he has to say certain things (that’s what spokesmen do) so people don’t get mad, even though he might not mean it

    Patur Aval Assur

    Yes I saw his article on Obama, but I didn’t mention it because it seemed that the intent of this thread was to discuss your displeasure with the New York Times, not to discuss your displeasure with President Obama.

    “I was told he has to say certain things (that’s what spokesmen do) so people don’t get mad, even though he might not mean it”

    This will obviously take us into murky territory. If you are correct in your assertion then none of his statements carry any weight because we never know if he means it. Which effectively marginalizes Agudah’s position on every matter because pretty much all their statements go through him and he might not mean what he says. Unless you have a way of knowing when he is serious and when he is not.

    ☕️coffee addict


    that’s true, the reason I brought that in was because this was what I was told from someone that lives in Staten island and knows him, regarding the Obama piece (which was why I brought this in. I’m extending it to the NYT as well

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