Where is Moshiach?

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    Some days when I pay too much attention to the news flashing the latest tragedy or disaster, I wonder how much longer is this wait for Moshiach. How can God allow so much tragedy to keep occurring to this world? Then I notice the headlines showing another Jewish group blasting another. More Jews are arrested every day for crimes unthinkable for any decent person. Countless children walking away from us without knowing the real meaning of our religion due to the hate they have seen. Then I wonder, will we ever become the nation that the others can look up to? How does God have so much faith in us? On days like this, it feels like lip service when I murmur, “Ani Maamin.” Yet I do have faith, if only because my Creator does.

    Little Froggie

    To your question, where is Moshiach.. I really wasn’t authorized to tell you, but if you keep it a secret.. he’s r<OOPS, I FORGOT> Hay! What just happened? Where am I?


    I think the same to myself.

    But we need to be worthy of Mashiach. Geulah is partially dependent upon our own actions. The world and especially Klal Yisrael need to make the world ready for Mashiach.

    As bad as the world seems, things will only get worse prior to geulah.



    He can come even in a generation that isn’t all good. The requirement of an all good generation is only for him to come early. According to many authorities we are well past the coming early stage so now we just have to do our best and hang on. Things will only get worse and I’m not being a pessimist it’s a fact. Theres a weeding out process where anyone not worthy of Moshiach will be cast aside. The yetzer hora has been given free reign to try and destroy as many Jews as as possible from being part of Moshiach. That’s why the nisyonos are out of hand. That’s also part of why there’salmost no gedolim left alive. This has all been predicted by Gemara and midrashim that there will be no leadership before Moshiach. Just do your best and be a positive influence on others. If you read the news you will get depressed because there will be plenty more Jews making chillul Hashems in the coming year and it lookslike the Fbi is on to us and is cleaning up shop. Just stay positive and fight the good fight.




    I’ve been feeling that way for a while now…

    And i cant hep but fear I will lose my way in this confusing world, with it’s rabbis either dead or doing brutal crimes.

    Shout out to all the frum Jews out there, stay strong! God loves you all.

    May we be zoche to greet Moshiach bekarov.

    Little Froggie

    OK. Let me try.


    Wow, thank you Little Froggie. thats profound.

    Little Froggie

    Thank you for you compliment, TAOM. I don’t really think I wrote anything profound.


    We await the coming of Moshiach every day, ergo, he must be alive in the world right now as he is in every generation. How else could he come at any minute?


    According to the Ramban on Hinei Yaskil Avdi, he might be a Jewish politician.


    Little Froggie

    I think you did. Difference in opinion?


    Thanks Little Froggie (and others, but I found yours the most inspiring). You have definitely lifted my mood!

    My brother used to joke that he was Moshiach, and he could tell us all that because we wouldn’t believe him.

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