whos gotten annoyed with college?

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    im soo annoyed with college already. i feel like i spend TOO MUCH time studying, in class and traveling there and back. i want to quit. but i know that would make me a drop out. so who else agrees that they are annoyed with college because it takes TOO MUCH time?

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Just curious -what year are you in? Also, why are you in college if you hate it so much and think it’s harder than getting married and having 20 kids?


    lilmod ulelamaid – im going into my 3rd year of full time college h’h including winter and summer classes. i feel like i need college otherwise id feel like a drop out.


    How much time is too much time? When you were in high school you went to classes between 30 and 40 hours per week.

    A full load in college is 15 hours of class time. For every hour of class time you need 3 hours study/prep/homework for a total of 60 hours per week.

    I assume you had at least 10-15 hours per week of homework/study/prep in High School….so they are similar in time requirements.

    As for travel time, that is a personal choice you have made, not the fault of the college. My youngest lives in a college dorm on campus. She can reach classes in 5 minutes.

    I did a graduate degree about 10 years ago that required a 6 hour roundtrip drive twice a week for 18 months, but I wasn’t going to leave my family to live near the school.


    CTLAWYER – for me my schedule is like this: go to school come home study for 10 hours for a quiz then do homework for 4 hours then study for test 30 hours then do some more homework for 4 hours, etc… NOT EXAGGERATING because these are science classes and when i was in school (actual school not homeschooled) i flunked science so for me science is VERY HARD so it takes me MUCH more time to study but i do get it eventually and sometimes even get a! thats why i was saying i might not have enough time while im studying ALL these hours and at school for ALL these hours to be on the coffee room so you wont be seeing me around much anymore starting next week. theres not so many schools here so i go to the closet one and its about 30 minutes – an hour away. also i didnt go to a normal high school since i was homeschooled so im not use to being away at school ALL day long.


    The problem with college is that you get liberal professors brainwashing the kids into thinking the way they do. Colleges are like dictatorships. If you dare disagree with the communist faculty, they fail you, or worse. No independent thought or critical thinking whatsoever are encouraged. Instead, the students are mollycoddled, in the name of safe spaces, checking your privilege, and other doublespeak.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    i need to get a master’s degree but i can’t afford it and don’t have time. Does anyone know where i can get one anyway?

    p.s. I love college level classes and studying and writing papers so if i could do it online in the middle of the night for free i would do it even if it’s really hard.


    dovrosenbaum – they cant fail you just like that otherwise they can lose their job take my teacher for example who hated me and still gave me an a.

    Syag Lchochma – ask for a school loan. i love college level classes just its too time consuming and i want to do other stuff rather than just school school school school school.


    Sparkly- Maybe you bit off more than you can chew. If you are taking very difficult classes, then take fewer credits that semester, or balance them with easier ones. Maybe you need a vacation-next year consider taking one instead of summer session. even if it takes a bit longer to graduate, it will be worth it if it keeps you from burning out.

    Just wondering- you are very set in being a pharmacist. Why did you decide that if you were not successful in science before?

    Syag, is it the degree you specifically need, or the learning/training such courses would give you? There are many free online courses out there, some you only pay if you want the certificate at the end. There are also many online MSc programs, study at your own pace. Online learning is very competitive nowadays, so with enough research, you may find an affordable program. I am not sure that you can get government student aid at the graduate level, but some programs have fellowships, work and learn options. I see education switching directions in the near future in terms of the job market- with so many online options that are cheaper than brick and mortar universities, it will be less critical where you got your degree, and more important to a potential employer that you have acquired the right skills and more practical knowledge. It’s also great for the frum community, because they can get degrees without being exposed to the campus environment- whether it is pritzus, liberal brainwashing or the ever-growing anti-semitism.


    WinnieThePooh – some people enjoy stuff their bad at. 1 of those people are me. i chose pharmacy since i LOVE science even tho im bad at it. i LOVE the challenge. so i wanted to do something in the medical field but dont like touching people so the best for what i wanted was a pharmacist.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Syag, I did a lot of research on this topic recently because I was looking for an online graduate program that I can afford. What I came up with was that while there are no grants for graduate school (as far as I could tell), there are student loans. Depending on the yearly cost of the program, you can get enough money from student loans to completely cover the costs and in many cases, there is enough money left after paying for the courses for you to live on.

    You can usually get up to $20,500 a year in student loans for graduate school, so you have to make sure that the cost of the program is no more than that per year. Most online programs are. You also have to double check with the financial aid office of the school in question to make sure that you will be allowed to take the full amount since some schools have their own limits.

    Taking out loans is scary, but they have really good income- based repayment plans nowadays. If you are poor, you only have to pay back a little bit per month, and the remainder of the loan is forgiven after 20 or 25 years. The one catch that I found was that you may have to pay taxes on the amount of the loan that is forgiven, so that has to be looked into (since after 20-25 years, there can be a lot of interest, so the taxes on that might be very high).

    In any case, if the degree will help you to earn money, it is probably worth it.

    What field are you looking into? Depending on the field, I may know of programs. I am currently doing Touro’s Master’s in special ed. online. I chose Touro because it was the least expensive program I could find, and the loan money was enough to cover the courses and support me while I am in school.



    What you say about college professors might be true in the humanities, but the OP is taking science courses…A+P and Organic Chem…the bias you describe would not enter the class…it is all so cut and dry (says the father of a nursing student dealing with these courses).

    I also disagree with your blanket statements about the professors and their liberal views.

    I have a B.Sc. MBA, JD, LLM and have had many a right wing conservative professor spewing hate and a desire to reverse decisions of the Supreme Court dating back to Brown v. Board of Education.

    I am a social liberal and these professors were to the right of Atila the Hun


    I miss college.

    As stressful as it was, the worst thing that could happen if you mess up was that you would fail a class and get set back a semester or two, and possibly not get into the graduate school you were hoping for.

    The risks in the real world are much bigger. If you mess up in the real world, you can cost your company a half a million dollars, lose your job, lose your license, get people killed, etc.

    The real world is very scary


    Meno – that is true especially for engineers. you can blow stuff up.



    Also pharmacists. You can kill people.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Wow, I’m glad I’m a teacher. Now, I’m waiting for all the posts warning me about how I can mess up people’s lives…

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    LU – I would like to get an additional degree in an area of interest but this specific request is in regard to needing a master’s, specifically, so I can switch payscales. I do not plan to change jobs, but I could make $9000 more with a graduate degree. Unfortunately loans don’t make it affordable, they just delay the payments. Perhaps if those loans you mentioned that forgive can be so low per month that i won’t feel it…I just don’t think borrowing is an option.

    I work in a school so I can get a discounted master’s online for $14000, a great price. It’s a shame I cant do it…


    Sparkly -“i flunked science so for me science is VERY HARD so it takes me MUCH more time to study”

    You should go for tutoring. It might cost money, but it will be worth it – in the long run!


    Did you look into Hebrew Free Loan Society? I have no experience with them, but know they exist. If not that, have you looked into any kind of scholarships?


    Meno – chasvichallila.

    lilmod ulelamaid – but at least you cant kill anyone b’h.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Sparkly – only their Neshama, chas veshalom.


    Sparkly -“lilmod ulelamaid – but at least you cant kill anyone b’h.”

    I know plenty of cases were people have been killed!

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Health – by their teachers???


    lilmod ulelamaid – teaching ISNT a good job.


    LU -“Health – by their teachers?”

    I guess there was a misunderstanding. I thought her response was along the line of Meno’s – “Also pharmacists. You can kill people”!


    Sparkly, that is totally and utterly subjective.

    It is the equivalent of me telling you, “Sparkly, pharmacy ISN’T a good job.”

    You can say that you personally think teaching isn’t a good job. But blanket statements like that, especially without backing, show a lack of open mindedness. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but opinions are not facts.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Spark: “lilmod ulelamaid – teaching ISNT a good job.”

    Excuse me? I could be offended by that statement, but I’m not in particular because I know that it is the absolute best job and I’m very lucky to have it. Chazal say that your Rebbe is more important than your parents because he gives you life in Olam Haba and your parents only give you life in Olam Hazeh. I have the opportunity to give people Olam Haba – what could be better? I’m also lucky that I had the opportunity to do all the learning I had to do in order to be able to teach on the level I am teaching on! Boruch Hashem!


    gofish – teachers work HARD and make no money. pharmacists fill up pill bottles and talk about medicine all day long and get paid lots of money. which is a better job?


    lilmod ulelamaid – do you teach at a college? i want to teach pharmacy at a college h’h.


    Syag Lchochma – I think you should really consider getting the Masters Degree. If you plan on working 10 years you would make an additional $90,000 at a cost of only $14,000.00, over 600% or a rate of return of over 60% per year. Where can you get a return like that.

    In most Litvish boy’s yeshivas by 7th grade morning prayers start at 7:30 AM and school ends at 6:00 PM. In high school there is an evening session from 7:00 – 9:00 which starts at once a week in 9th grade and increases each year so that by 12th grade it’s four night Monday – Thursday. When you went to College you left yeshiva at 6:00 PM and from 7-10 were in college (we prayed in between classes) and then went home to eat and sleep. Nobody studied 10 hours for a quiz. If you didn’t understand a concept there was always someone who was in your class or took it last year that would answer your questions during lunch time.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    yes, that’s a great return. i still cant afford it. Even if it would make me $500,000 in the next ten years I still have to pay for it before that happens.


    Syag Lchochma – try ashworth online college?

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Syag – that’s what Federal loans are for. You don’t have to start paying it back until you finish school, and then you can do an income-based repayment plan. On an income-based repayment plan, you have to pay back 10-15% of your discretionary income per month. I think discretionary income is defined as the amount of money you earn minus the amount of money for expenses, which I think is calculated based on the number of kids you have and the average income in your County. The average income per person in household is generally much higher than what the average Frum person makes, so you shouldn’t end up having to pay too much a month. It certainly would be way less than the $9000 you would be making a year.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Sparkly: “teachers work HARD and make no money. pharmacists fill up pill bottles and talk about medicine all day long and get paid lots of money. which is a better job?”

    Answer: depends on your value system. Boruch Hashem, I have a value system which makes teaching a better job.

    Just reminding you: after 120 years, you will not take your money with you. I will take my limud and Harbatzas HaTorah with me B’ezras Hashem, as well as leave them behind for others to continue benefiting from.


    “teachers work HARD and make no money. pharmacists fill up pill bottles and talk about medicine all day long and get paid lots of money. which is a better job?”

    I would hate to fill up pill bottles and talk about medicine all day long. I would go crazy. Sounds like a terrible job.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Meno – lol. my sentiments exactly. I was thinking the same thing


    Meno – okay engineer.


    What’s that supposed to mean?

    And by the way, I doubt being a pharmacist is as simple as you make it out to be. It doesn’t make sense that someone with such a simple job would make so much money. Supply and demand


    Meno – they do MUCH more than just that. theres a reason why its taking me 7 – 8 years to become a pharmacist (depends if i get bachelors first in the end or not – probably will h’h)!


    Meno – engineering ISNT the best job. ever heard of the engineers that got blown up by the experiment they did?



    How do you define “best”?

    I love being an engineer! I think it is absolutely the best job!

    (I just want to say that it’s taking a lot of restraint for me to avoid using all-caps. I always hate when people do it, but now I’m starting to understand it.)

    P.S. I don’t do experiments. Experiments are for scientists.


    “pharmacists fill up pill bottles and talk about medicine all day long and get paid lots of money.”

    This maybe more true in a retail pharmacy. However, in a hospital, pharmacists are much more involved in the medical process and deciding which medications should be prescribed (although the DR. gets the final say.)


    Meno – and engineers.

    bk613 – that may be true. but i literally am getting the degree for the degree itself. its like going to high school. everyone needs to go to high school so to college. it doesnt matter what you go for as long as you get a degree.


    I have gotten annoyed with college (back to yout thread) for having to take subjects that I had no interest in just to get my degree.


    absan – ive gotten annoyed from the amount of time it consumes from me every day.


    sparkly.. I realy beleive you .Do you think u r over doing?

    I. M. Shluffin

    I can’t help but pitch in over here re what CTL said (“For every hour of class time you need 3 hours study/prep/homework for a total of 60 hours per week”) in response to Sparkly’s complaints about the time-consuming part of college.

    I just want to clarify that college is only time-consuming if you actually do the hours they expect you to put in to studying and reviewing and reading ahead. You don’t really have to study – it’s only for your benefit. Just don’t expect anything over a D.

    I personally love college and find it very helpful to hang out around other students who love college – that viewpoint makes the experience so much better. If you don’t like college, it’s often harder to do well, because you won’t try as hard to do well.

    Good luck in all your academic endeavors, everyone!


    absan – i have to go thru this. it will get MUCH worse when i in pharmacy school h’h but im sure Hashem will help me.

    I. M. Shluffin – what your saying is true. and if you looked on the science syllabus’s about the amount of time they said is that thats the bare minimum for certain students like sparkly it could be more (they forgot to add in MUCH more but its true).

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    Syag, I just found the webpage for you that discusses the income-based plans for Federal loans. I was going to post the link, but I think the mods don’t allow links to go through.

    You can google and find the website for Federal Student Aid, an office of the US Dept. of Education.

    Then go to the drop-down box for Types of Aid.

    Click on loans.

    Go to Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans.

    Then find the link that says “learn more about repayment options.”

    After you click on that link, look for the following repayment plans (I think they are the last 3 listed):

    IBR- Income based Repayment Plan

    ICR – Income Contingent Repayment Plan

    Income Sensitive Repayment Plan.

    If you have trouble finding it the above way, maybe just try googling the names of the plans (IBR, ICR, etc)

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I posted this on another thread, but I am posting it here as well, since it is pertinent to the topic. I heard about a book written by someone (Modern) Orthodox about American Colleges. I haven’t read it, but it sounds fascinating and it sounds like an important book for anyone attending college to read:

    “Brainwashed – how Universities indoctrinate America’s Youth” by Ben Shapiro. It can be found on Amazon.com

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