Why a Bigger Yarmulka is a Better Yarmulka

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    Because you’ll be more conspicuously Jewish.


    Goodness, Joseph, you do ask for trouble.

    So – you’ll probably agree that a huge green and purple knitted Yarmulka is better than a velvet black one, right?


    What’s under the yarmulke and whats in the heart is more important than the size of the covering.


    If being conspicuously Jewish is your goal in Yarmulke selection, wouldn’t a colorful Yarmulke stick out more than a black one?


    I prefer a bigger kippah to cover the bald spot.


    I remember R’ Bender speaking about Jewish levush. He said it’s like one sign of a kosher animal – the split hooves. It’s the external sign of being a Jew. An animal needs both signs, internal and external, to be kosher. We have a term for having only the external sign – pig feet, or in Yiddish, chazzer fissel (did I get that right?). If you have only the dress, but don’t live the Torah way, it’s worthless. I still can hear his voice in my head – “LOOK AT ME!!! I’M KOSHER!!! With the black hat, and the white shirt and black jacket – you’re like the pig showing that he thinks he’s kosher! Without the inside, you’re nothing!”
    Joseph, you can wear the biggest kippah, but when you’re rotten inside, you’re like a pig showing off its hooves.


    A bigger cappel is hiddur mitzva, like a bigger esrog. The point is to remind you about Hashem, so the bigger it is the more it reminds you, hence it is a hiddur.
    If it looks nice its Zeh Keili ve’Anveihu. Probably a black velvet one is better i this respect than “a huge green and purple knitted” one.
    But of course the most important thing is that it should have a rim. Joseph didn’t ask about the importance of the rim because its so blindingly obvious.


    Should we assume other things equal? Because larger kippas tend to be the knitted ones.


    Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky, Z”L responded to a bochur in Torah Vodaas when asked can I wear a yarmulke the size of a soda cap?, if not why not?

    Rev Yaakov responded, the yarmulke covers the “saichel”, each one decides how much saichel they have.



    Troll – as usual.


    If bigger is better, does that count even if the size of the yarmulke is larger than the wearer’s head?


    But where do you get big yarmulkas?

    I currently wear a size 8. I ordered two size 9 from an online judaica store, but they turned out to be size 7, falsely advertised as size 9. When I complained to the store, instead of letting me return them for a refund, they responded that “buying kippas is ‘tricky'”. I would post the name of the store, but I suppose that would be lashon hara.

    I’m thinking of either getting some kippas custom made by a tailor, or figuring out to make some myself.


    DovidBT: Is the size 8 too small for you? I prefer to wear a size 8 and it fits my head comfortably . I have noticed that sizing is different depending on the manufacturer.


    iacisrmma: My size 8 kippa doesn’t stay in place very well, and I prefer not to use clips. I thought that a larger one might work better. And I would be more conspicuously Jewish.


    Bigger Kappel Mor e yires shamayim


    “Bigger Kappel Mor e yires shamayim”

    That goes along with being more conspicuously Jewish.

    As Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai said to his disciples, “May it be [G-d’s] will that the fear of heaven shall be upon you like the fear of flesh and blood.”
    Berachos 28b


    If you want to be more conspicuously Jewish, there are other ways to do that. An overly large kippah is not the the best way.

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