You are the Prime Minister

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    No matter how you respond to the ongoing unending tragic terror attacks you will be condemned by the world what do you do to end the madness?


    Tefillah, Teshuva, Tzedaka


    I would seal the west bank, closing down all the entry points into Israel. At the same time, I would bar any Israeli Jews from entering Har HaBayis. I would not remove either of these measures until calm returned.

    son, teshuvah tefillah and tzedaka are not just for the PM; that is a job for all of us.

    ☕️coffee addict

    The Donald trump way

    Kick out all the Arabs and build a fence, anyone caught trying to cross it will be shot on the spot


    CA: If your name is not Donald Trump it will not be called “The Donald Trump Way”. It will be called “Jews expelling innocent arabs from their homes”. Even though the world Knows good and well they are not so innocent at all .


    mw13: Right, I wasn’t taking away from that; I was simply addressing the question.


    The prime minister is helpless regardless who holds the job. The PM can’t stop the violence. He can limit it, and he already is, but he cannot do more.




    I’ld vote for “Tefillah, Teshuva, Tzedaka”.

    The zionists have painted themselves into a corner. If they respond weakly, it encourages the Palestinians to think that further escalation will bring them victory. If they respond strongly, they will alienate the many Palestinians who support or at least don’t mind a zionist state (note that many Palestinians fear an Islamic State more than a zionist one), and seriously alienate Israel’s few allies in the western countries. Most Muslims will never accept anything other than an at least nominally Islamic State in place of Israel, and almost all non-hariedi Israelis will accept only a nominally Jewish state – so its hopeless.


    When it comes to politics, we kept being reminded that voters like people with strong opinions who remain firm in their positions. They don’t like pandering or being more centrist than what their party stands for. Obviously this isn’t the same, but it is important for Israel to do what they have to do, without apologizing, without looking over their shoulder, without making all the anti-Semites happy. If they announce a zero-tolerance for terrorism and terrorists, and stick to all their policies, ignoring the UN and US’s sobbing over murderers’ corpses; if they stop talking about peace with terrorists; if they stop treating terrorists as equals, then their position will at least be internationally understood and that can lead to respected.


    and one more thing. It’s high time they start burying terrorists in pigskin.


    Ask everyone to pledge allegiance to Israel and to condemn these attacks publicly. It will need to be done with religious sensitivity.

    Anyone who doesn’t want to do that can follow the Trump Way out the door.

    jewish source

    Well if he would take a religious approach and say that he is guided by R Chaim Or R AL Shlita that Jews should strengthen their yidishkeit. He will automaticaly put in his pocket all the frum and many frei.


    SDD – “and one more thing. It’s high time they start burying terrorists in pigskin”

    This is secondary. First, you must have a death penalty. They have about 10,000 Arabs in jail. If a Goy is Oiver the 7 Mitzvahs – he gets killed! Stop being so PC.


    Order a curfew. Civilians inside, put soldiers on the streets. Soldiers can defend themselves better.

    jewish source


    then we will never get out of curfew


    From the main page, by R’ Yair Hoffman:

    This program would also implement both the carrot and the stick in the Palestinian territories. Support for terrorism and the hero worship for murderers must come to a complete end. The textbooks calling for the killing of Jews and the destruction of Israel must be eliminated. Payments by the government to families of a terrorist must stop. In short, anyone with a background of support for the killing of innocents or for other terrorist acts must be removed from any position of leadership.

    They must be replaced with a new crop of leaders comprised of those untainted by terrorism.

    And then comes the carrot. A new infrastructure could be built and new system of education would be developed. Medical schools, schools for emerging technologies and a Palestinian silicon valley.

    But rebuilding Germany without the program of DeNazification would have been fruitless and indeed counter-productive.

    The same is true with De-Terrorization.

    It is time, in light of these stabbings and car crashes, that we launched such a program. Now is the time to completely knock out Hamas and all organizations like it. It will be a politically difficult decision to make, but it is the only manner in which a lasting peace can be forged.


    Detractors will say that it is not possible, that both Europe and the United States will claim it is too heavy-handed and will prevent it. The response to this is to do our homework by showing the world what Israel is now facing and to honestly show them what we plan to do with the carrot.

    After de-Terrorization is implemented, industry and education can be built up. Now, the misery of the Palestinians is such that they have nothing to lose by stabbing others. Their lives can be made better, but only after complete de-Terrorization is achieved.


    MW13 – “Now, the misery of the Palestinians is such that they have nothing to lose by stabbing others”

    Another liberal lie! Do your research, most of these terrorists had good jobs. This isn’t class warfare, but a religious one!


    MW13 – The Palestinians are among the best educated of the Arabs. Their miseries are political. Their territory is ruled by foreigners – and not just any foreigners, for foreigners who are neither Arabs nor Muslims. No self-respecting Arab Muslim can stand for that.

    Avi K

    Akuperma, “their territory is ruled by foreigners”. Are you saying that Hashem did not give us EY? Are you an Islamist troll? FYI, their miseries are caused, first and foremost, by their corrupt “leadership” that steals aid monies, denies basic human rights and keeps them in a fantasy world. In fact, George Deek, Israel’s vice-ambassador to Norway and an Arab from Yaffo made a speech calling for them to accept the fact of Israel’s existence and move on (the speech is available on-line). Most Arabs who hold Israeli citizenship apparently know deep down on which side their bread is buttered as polls show that hey would not exchange Israeli citizenship for Palestinian citizenship.


    See what the Rambam writes in Iggeres Teiman about the future [now present] golus of Yishmael: There is no point making peace with them; Dovid Hamelech was referring to Islam when he said ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??????, which the Rambam explains is that even as we negotiate for peace, they are at war with us.

    Have a look at the Rambam’s advice on how to deal with Yishmoel.

    Little Froggie

    Thank you, OP for electing “ME” as Prime Minister.

    OK, that said and done, let me make myself most comfortable here in office.

    oops.. almost forgot about that small issue at hand. Well, it seems like world opinion doesn’t matter too much. There’s much effort put into the media, varying degrees, to distort stark facts, live incidents, happenings. Just open your eyes to some headlines. Listen to the deafening silence at the White House, U.N. etc. So do WHATEVER you gotta do, don’t give a second’s concern to ANYONE’S opinion. And we’ll wait patiently for this “dark” era to be over in America. An administration with unbiased attitudes. (a prisedint without a middle name)

    ..that was from my inaugural speech..


    coffee addict: it wouldnt help to build a fence. they know how to dig tunnels, remember?


    Sam 2 – Look up – two posts.


    Avi K:

    In mussaf on yom tov we say “UMipnei chataeinu galinu meiArtzeinu”. That’s what he means by “their territory”. He’s also conveying their perspective.

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