Seminary options for beginners level

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    I am about to be a high school senior and am looking for seminaries to apply to in the fall. To preface I was not raised religious by any means and have for the past year started learning as much as I possibly can about judaism. I wasnt born jewish and went to public school my whole life B’Ezrat I plan on sending my case to the beit din after sem. I already plan on applying to Machon Maayan and Meorot Yerushalayim. Meorot is excepting of my status as a non-jew at the moment and Machon deals with individuals on a case by case basis from what I’ve been told. Does anyone have any seminary recommendations that has a beginners track and that is relatively small with serious girls. I know everyone’s different but I really want to attend a sem where the girls are genuinely looking to become more frum? I want to feel comfortable in growing in my middos and tsnius without feeling ashamed for not being as knowledgeable as the other girls. If you need me to more specific I can add more detail. Hope to get some good recommendations. Thanks


    Check out Neve Yerushalayim. It’s an amazing, life-changing program that helps each participant find themselves, not just find “frum”. Participants come from a very diverse background, and everybody is there on their own journey.


    @jbd Neve seems great. I will check them out. Thank you!


    Read “The Jewish Idea” by Rabbi Meor Kahane, it is a comprehensive must read for all Jews and future Jews. If you accept and internalize what is written there, nothing will stop you from becoming Jewish. You are slso free to look up my shiur on Torahcafe. Hatzlacha, may you becone a blessing to the Jewish people. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Peretz Teller


    @ShulchanAruchYid Thank you greatly for the book recommendation. I have been looking for some new books to read. I also appreciate you recommending me your shiur. Thank you again!


    not so knowledgeable about this stuff but as far as i know it might be worth looking into neve yerushalayim

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