A Jewish Star

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    I just watched A Jewish Star and I need someone to explain this whole thing to me.

    Its beautiful to see all this Jewish talent, but why is it mutar to critique people in public and to say this one is not good at this etc. Why is there no issur of Lashon Harah?

    Also, why is this whole thing not going bichukos hagoyim? It was taken straight off of a TV show.

    Honestly, do you think Hashem approves?

    yunger mann

    To me it sounds like you understand it just fine. its them who don’t.


    Very simple. Someone is making money.


    First of all the contestants knew what they were getting in to when they signed up.

    Regarding critiquing: The Chofetz Chaim does address it in his sefer, but he does so regarding a speech and how you may change someone’s mind that the speech wasnt actually good rather delivered poorly. I guess you can apply this here, but I dont think its the same thing. I would say (for what my opinions worth) that if you want to watch the movies, watch them without reading the comments from the peanut gallery.

    About Chukas Hagoyim: Last time I checked a message board wasnt the idea of a Jew….. Just sayin

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