Motorcycle Driving

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    Does it ‘pas’ for a Ben Torah to be driving around town in a motorcycle?


    I wonder if the same question was asked about cars at one point.

    And airplanes — “does it pas for a ben Torah to be flung through the air at hundreds of miles per hour?”

    The Wolf


    My neighbor does. He did it because he figured it was more interesting than driving, but he’s annoyed because he still has to drive— his daughters made him promise not to let the thing out of the garage til they’re all married.


    people have a problem with it…personally i think its a more fuel efficient and faster means of conveyance…


    Its dangerous to drive. Why would anyone drive it, considering that? A car swerves a bit before noticing the bike, and it’s all over.

    You rarely see normal people driving it. Being a “biker” has certain connotations (tatoos and all.)


    Wolf – don’t want to get you any more worked up than you are, but believe it or not, in Eretz Yisrael the idea that a ben Torah shouldn’t drive is very much alive. [On the other hand, in eretz Yisrael there are plenty of bnei torah who aren’t into such ideas, and drive motorcycles.]

    You can disagree with the notion that it doesn’t “pas” (or with the entire notion of “pasing” for that matter), but I think its obvious why there is room for the question. There is a clear image associated with the motorcycle, as opposed to the car. And if there were such a problem with a car, then there would at least be room for a discussion about that as well.

    I also think we all understand that this association is not random, but has to do with the difference in the activity itself.


    Most Bikers are actually Middle Age lawyers or doctors . Harley Davidsons are not cheap.

    Zaka uses a scooter which is just as dangerous as a Motor Cycle


    In this country people are spoiled.

    Most people can afford a car, even if it is not the best or the newest.

    Also, despite the rising prices of gasoline, in many countries they are paying DOUBLE what we pay.

    That is why in many countries (including Eretz Yisrael) motorcycles and motor scooters are MUCH more common. There is no “biker” connotation to driving them. They are just a much more economical way to get around, to get to work, to school, etc.

    It IS true that they can be much more dangerous because you are much more exposed, and on 2 wheels and not 4. Nevertheless if the driver is mature and careful they can be a great (and fun) method of transportation.

    AND… In Eretz Yisrael it is very common to see frum Yidden (with beards and tzitis flying) on a motorcycle (and their children can STILL get shidduchim!)


    My friend bought a scooter and used to to commute a couple miles to yeshiva.

    He paid about 800 buck for it new, and it lasted like 2 years.


    Not for nothing are they called “donor-cycles”. Maybe we can revive the organ donor thread. Is the no organ donation shittah more against bikes than the maybe crowd?


    It is a well known vort, even among goyim, that if you have a car problem on the highway, (if you’re not already wearing one) put on a yarmulka and another Yid will stop to help you.

    Probably a much less known vort, since far fewer people ride motorcycles, is that despite the tough ‘biker’ reputation that motorcyclists seem to have (see some of the comments above) the vast majority of riders, and this includes those in motorcycle clubs, are really very nice people, and WILL ALWAYS STOP TO HELP ANOTHER BIKER WITH MECHANICAL PROBLEMS THAT IS STOPPED ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD.

    So the moral of the story is, – people tend to help their own kind, – whether their own kind is Yidden and/or bikers!

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