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Avram in MD

Why is the Torah against the males and put them into an impossible situation.


A women has the right not to work.

How does this harm men?

She has the right to stay home and be taken care of.

In the context of marriage, which, when healthy, is as beneficial (if not more so) to men as to women.

A women has the right too enter in to Contracts

So does a man, where’s the bias?

A women has the right to open a bank account

So does a man, and how do secular laws governing bank accounts reflect on the Torah?

A women has the right to spend money as she pleases.

I’m not sure that is accurate, and even if so, a man does too, so where is the bias?

I am having a very hard time making sense of all 4.

What doesn’t make sense?

As based on this a Women could go out one day enter into a bunch of contracts,

I’m not sure that is an accurate statement.

right checks that cant be cover,

That would be illegal under secular law.

and withdraw and spend all the money in a bank account, and then turn around and say. I am not responsible for covering any of these debts, as i dont have to work.

That is certainly not true.