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Actually that is exactly the position of Slifkin, it’s a fundemental principle in he’s “rational judaisim” approach.
He feels he has a better understanding of science then Chazal and they were simply wrong in many of thier statements, in fact if I recall correctly the position he takes in one of his books is that Chazal derived thier knowledge from Pliny the Elder.
It is exactly this position that the Rambam calls “cursed” and one of “fools”.
I realize that you thinkthat you believe Slifkin that the Gedolei Yisroel (including the person he at one time claimned as his Rebbi HaRav Moshe Shapiro shlita, considered by many the foremost authority alive today on Aggadita) who have come out against him are arguing for the literal meaning of Aggadita that’s absoltley untrue.
They are arguing over what the intention of Chazal was and whether in certain cases they intended for their words to be taken literally.
Slifkin (on account of the fact that he perceives himself to be “wise”) argues they did and they were wrong, we know more then Chazal.
The Rambam states that Slifkin is a fool.