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Ben Levi

Paatur Avul Assur

Why oh Why do you insist on ignoring everything I post?

I acknowledged that RSRH takes the position of Slifkin in regarding certain “aggadita”s.

In fact I acknowledged that several times.

That was my exact point.

The letter you qouted from RSRH is one of the sources used by Slifkin as a justification for taking a “Moreh Nevuchim” approach (again I emphasize his understanding of Moreh Nevuchim)to Mitzvos.

Yet RSRH devoted virtually the entire Letter 18 of the Nineteen Letters to a no holds barred rebuttal and rebuke of Moreh Nevuchim.

A rebuke in which he lumps an adoption of Moreh Nevuchim with adopting Reform Judaisim.

(again I emphasize that ch”v I am not writing any of my own opinions regarding these matter’s).

So how in the world can Slifkin claim RSRH as a source that his version of “RJ” is correct when in fact it is true that RSRH understood MN as Slifkin does.

And as a result of that understanding RSRH penned what is perhaps the most detailed and strongest condemnation of MN by an Achron.

In other words Slifkin and his defenders claim that those who condemned him went overboard.

Have you ever bothered reading what RSRH thought of that approach?

It does’nt get much further then saying what RSRH writes in detail in Letter 18.