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Home Forums Controversial Topics Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread Reply To: Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread

Ben Levi


The question is whether Rav Dessler is a source for Slifkin.

Rav Dessler according to the way Reb Aryeh Carmel a”h understood him seemed to have felt that Chazal got at least part of thier science from scientists of their day.

R’ Carmel makes that clear.

Yet Rav Dessler also took the view that Chazal were not forming the Halacha based on that science, rather they had a Mesorah as to what the Halacha was and merely used the science of their time to explain it somewhat.

The upshot of Rav Dessler is that he had a very very different understanding of Chazal and Halacha then Slifkin which is readily apparent in the letter qouted by Patur Avul Assur.

It is also kind of a joke when Slifkin use’s Rav Dessler to back him up on the one hand and then rejects Kabboloh on the other when Michtav M’Eliyahu is replete with ideas and explanation of Chazal which are based at least somewhat on Zohar.

In short Slifkin cherry picks one part of Rav Dessler’s world view and ignores the rest as he does with virtually all his supposed “sources”.

Which is why the overwhelming majority of Gedolim were “docheh” him “b’shtei yudayim” including one Rosh Yeshivah who at first was a backer