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I am the one who is bringing irrelevent sources?
This discussion started when someone said that it was basically politics and to qoute that poster “has little to do with yiddishkeit or honesty”.
I then proceaded to demonstrate that the reason why Slifkin was condemned had everything to do with Yiddishkeit and everything to do with Honesty.
Slifkin wrote several books and was promoting a world view and approach to Aggadita as “legit” and viable whhen it most certainly was not.
Slifkin cherry picks source taking one part and ignoring the other to create an approach that has been condemned any time it has reared it’s ugly head.
that is the point.
The point was never whether Chazal knew all of science or not from the overwhelming majority of sources (including the Rambam who states clearly regarding astronomy that they knew most of it ina Kabbolah from Sinai) that they knew far more then their contemporaries.
Did they know all of it? That is above my pay grade.
However is Chazal’s knowledge of science relevent to understanding Aggadita.
The overwhelming majority of opinions since Rav Moshe Leon and the Zohar is no.