Reply To: Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread

Home Forums Controversial Topics Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread Reply To: Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread

Ben Levi

Look I understand that Slifkin and co. love to try and justify themselves by stating that all they said is something that has been said before them.

And I know that there are many out there who did’nt actually read his books or listen to his lectures who fall for it.

But the reality is that no ever called Rav A. Carmell zt”l a kofer for stating a similar point.

Au Contraire, Michtav M’Eliyahu which in large part was written by him is a staple in the yeshiva world.

Slifkin was called a Kofer for espousing a long a detailed shitto, so long that he spent several books developing it, that in totality represents a way of approaching The Halachic Mesorah and the Aggados of Chazal in way that has been condemned and refuted for centuries.