Reply To: Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread

Home Forums Controversial Topics Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread Reply To: Continuation of Discussion on R' Slifkin and Weiss from Manchester Eiruv Thread

Ben Levi


I’m really haveing a hard time figuring out why you keep bringing me into the discussion.

I have stated quite clearly that I am not foolish enough to try and render an opinion on certain things.

What was stated was that the attack on Slifkin “was “political” and had nothing to do with Yiddishkeit.

I demonstrated that while he may have support for individual parts of his “philosophy” as a whole he has no one who ever supported it and au contraire,

It has alway’s been denounced.

I have’nt just qouted you names, I have pointed yopu to places where you can find in detail the reasoning of the Gedolei Rishonim and Achronim who expressed that Slifkin’s approach ranges from “ignorant” to “foolish” to Kefira”.

If you do not understand why theRamban or Vilna Gaon for example’s or the Ramchal for another example or RSRH for another one.

Then I would urge you to look up their views inside, the way they wrote them, and try to understand them.

If you cannot do so then again I would urge you to consult a qualified person who can help you understand it an example being Rav Moshe Shapiro shlita who again is considered by many the biggest expert in these matter’s alive
