Reply To: Vicarious Accomplishment of Women

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Ben Levi: Shaychus? This is not a “Kollel vs. working” discussion, but rather an issue of who wears the “pants” in the home. If the wife works and the husband does not, she gets to wear the pants. You can’t say her role is to be Tzanuah and in the home and also her role is to be outside and working to support the family.

I think what you did not discuss (and should have) is that you believe men have an absolute advantage both in learning and in working, but a comparative advantage in learning. Therefore it is worthwhile for a woman to take a different (wrong for her) role to get the most out of the couple.

Logician: The shittah you described sounds to me exactly the shittah of Rabbi Mieselman in his new book (that certain halachos are true, but their reasons get re-interpeted by Meforshim (including Chazal) as people know more). I’m glad that I’m not the only one who is confused by the concept.

PBA: Importance != supply. Rabbaim would get paid more if fewer people would want to be a Rebbe. Babysitters would get paid more if there were fewer babysitters.