Reply To: How much is a woman's Torah worth

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bais yakov maidel

“We have opportunities to learn all the time every hour of the day there are shiurim, learning groups, every shul has a ladies Shabbos shiur. So no one can say we can’t learn or we should turn our brains off.”

“Yiddishe taam”

Many of these shiurim, at least in my opinion, don’t count for much learning. They are inspirational talks meant to give you an emotional boost about torah or review of halachah that you can pick up on your own by reading a artscroll book. I’m glad you find them intellectually stimulating, but not everyone does.

“What was conflicting in the other thread was simple priorities were distorted (a women’s priority is her home) and that’s problematic and no Rav would endorse it.”

I did say that family and career, in my opinion, are equally important, not that one is more important than the other. Just wanted to clarify.

Furthermore, you do not know what every rav would say about people’s personal situations.

And by the way, you don’t need to be scared to refer to me. I am not insulted in the slightest.