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One of my children is learning in BMG and I went there to get a shidduch for another child and the people at edited said, “Sorry we don’t deal with Sephardim.” How would you have dealt with such a positive experience?

In fact, very few shadchanim want to deal with Sephardim in Lakewood. Yet, our level of frumkeit is Lakewood. Instead we get Yeshiva University suggestions or BTs who have been frum just a few years. Yeshiva University people are lovely people (I know some personally), but they are best suited for other Yeshiva University people. Beginning BTs are also best matched to each other. I love every Jew, secular. BT, MO, everyone. But we are not matching properly because what comes first is not the frumkeit level. What comes first is are you Sephardi? Yeah, I am and you probably are too! Just listen to the Megillah this Purim! Sephardi does not equate with modern.

Don’t mean to be negative, just honest. My child rejects suggestions based on frumkeit level. We judge no one, but my child just wants to uphold a high level. Shadchanim organizations who provide modern suggestions or those who don’t want to deal with Sephardim don’t help.

I want to add that BMG has expanded by leaps and bounds because they are open to every single Jew based only on frunkeit level. When there is no judgment, G-d expands.