Reply To: Were we all Sephardic once?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Were we all Sephardic once? Reply To: Were we all Sephardic once?


I think you are all missing the point. I DID NOT ask for an Ashkenazi shidduch. I asked for help in finding a shidduch for my child from a shidduch organization in Lakewood. Are you saying that the population in Lakewood is exclusive to Ashkenazi and we don’t belong. (Talk about apartheid–now we know why we are being accused in Israel.) I asked a local shidduch organization to help me find a shidduch for my child–a Jew, that is all I asked for.

You also have to keep in mind that BTs of several decades are not traditional and have learned most of their minhagim from Ashkenazim. Children go to Ashkenazi schools and grow up with that mentality. That is still not to say I am looking for an Ashkenazi shidduch. I am looking for a Jew with a similar frumkeit level.