Reply To: Were we all Sephardic once?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Were we all Sephardic once? Reply To: Were we all Sephardic once?


Yoni the yogi,

I too am a BT of over a couple of decades. And yes, I know the difficult process of getting to a high level of frumkeit and being accepted for it. I am not judging BTs or YUs and am friends with many of them, but a BT of just a few years (5 or 6) who went to high school in a mixed environment and a university in a mixed environment is not a match psychologically, spiritually or mentally for a FFB who never mixed with the opposite gender. For one thing, they will find the FFB very naive. I have yet to meet a YU person who has not engaged in watching movies, which most FFBs don’t. Their minds do not allow for this type of lack of tznius. And you can counter that by saying that some watch only tznius movies, but they are few and still have an underlying message that is not frum. No judgment here whatsoever. We welcome BTs and YUs as I say I have friends who are both. But would an innocent FFB child be suited for them, I don’t think so. You cannot put yourself in this category as you are BT for 15 years. That is a very long time and I am sure that you began at a younger age than the BT suggestions we are getting. If we are talking here about matching mentality, then we have to match frumkeit levels first and foremost. I was a shadchan for a while and when someone said, too frum for me, I respected that. When someone said, not frum enough for me, I respected that too. Shadchanim and shidduch organizations in Lakewood and in other places have to be open to all frum Jews and should match by frumkeit level.