Reply To: Good major in college for a bais yaakov girl

Home Forums Employment & Business Issues Good major in college for a bais yaakov girl Reply To: Good major in college for a bais yaakov girl


writersoul – correct but as you said, there are generic classes toward your BA where you can do ones that focus on the other fields you’d consider, and the most important advice is try to get your feet wet in more than one of them – so even if you’re major in graphic arts and working in that, but you took 2 classes in education or teaching methodology etc, try to get an “in” by subbing from time to time (or as a summer job or whatever) and that way if you ever go that route you’ve 1) gotten experience that you can put on your resume and 2) you’ve proven to yourself you can do it so that’s not a hurdle later, you have confidence in each realm you’re considering…

therapy would be harder but you could take psych courses and find out if there’s some sort of volunteer capacity you could hear people out in, or at least take the prerequisites that you can decide later to go on for a master’s and training fairly easily…