Reply To: Modern Orthodox "Minhagim"

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R’ Yehuda Hertzl Henkin quotes his grandfather as saying that some pants are more Tznius than some skirts. R’ Ovadia says the same.

Nisht: No. It’s the same Michael Broyde who was kicked off the BDA for creating a fake persona and infiltrating Conservative message groups with it. That aside, his piece on hair-covering was discussed and accepted or rejected as a Limud Z’chus on its own merit. Everyone agrees the logic is sound and that it’s a Chelek of Torah. The question is whether L’ma’aseh it’s Emes. If you insist on judging a Halachic argument based on the author, I expect a public declaration of the impermissibility of quoting the Sefer Nachal Eshkol. (Which, to quote R’ Ovadia, is not authoritative but if the Svaras are good we can accept them.)