Reply To: Judaism is not a religion of superiority

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CR10, I’m not going to start weighing the importance of the various mitzvos, but suffice to say that to peg only one particular mitzva as “our ultimate goal” to the exclusion of all others is a mistake. It is Hashem’s will that we keep all of His mitzvos.


“What a troubling discussion….. Do ANY of us underlings, including those we hold in very high esteem, really know for 1000000000% certain what Hashem desires of us and considers of utmost importance, causing us to feel superior and judging others to be inferior, because of level of observance?”

While it is indeed incorrect to judge people as inherently inferior for being unobservant, it is also incorrect to pretend that Hashem’s will is clear as mud. We have a pretty good idea of how Hashem wants us to lead our lives; it’s spelled out in minute detail in the Torah that He gave us. Our job is to keep these directives. “Es haElokim yira vi’es mitzvosav shimor, ki zeh kol ha’adom.”