Reply To: Bothered by the Lakewood Matzav?

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Oomis, the fact that a word comes from a kinui for Yoshka may be irrelevant, as the word is removed from the avoda zara and the kavanah is not for avodah zarah. When someone says “sheesh” or “gee”, they are not having in mind to swear in the name of avodah zarah. Too bad my Rav is on vacation, but based on the following it should be muttar:

I once asked a posek if it was permitted to refer by name to the desperation football play Doug Flutie made famous for Boston College. To my surprise, he said yes. It is also permitted to say phrases from the NT that have become common phrases, like “good Samaritan” and “pearls before swine”. The kavanah is not for avodah zarah- it’s saying a common phrase.

Before this gets too off-topic, yes to ahavas yisroel and diyun lekaf zchus, no to tznius violations.