Reply To: The Missing 165 Years – Discrepancy Between Jewish and Secular Calendars

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from rabbiofberlin:

” but the archeological and historical evidence that the churban bais rishon was much earlier than the dates you mention.”

I have not heard of any real archeological findings that prove 586 BCE. If you find any, please show me (the web site). AFAIK, the date of 586 BCE came from Josephus, and everyone seems to accept it at face value.

“You have the luxury to dismiss the historians’ claim but many people feel uncomfortable being blind to solid evidence.”

According to wikipedia (Solomon’s Temple),

Because of the religious sensitivities involved, and the politically volatile situation in East Jerusalem, only limited archaeological surveys of the Temple Mount have been conducted. Since no excavations have been allowed on the Temple Mount during modern times, there is no direct archaeological evidence for the existence of Solomon’s Temple….

“BTW- it is not exactly one of the “ani maamin’s to accept blindly the calculations and dates that you mention. “

Many of those calculations come from the Torah, the Neviim, and our mesorah. Maybe some of it is up to debate.