Reply To: BMG freezer

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poshute yid

I believe the BMG policy was established in order to create an atmosphere that the Yeshiva is not be used solely as a shidduch playground. The freezer is only 4 months so it’s not much in terms of contributing to the shidduch crisis and it’s substantial enough to create a nice ruach of new bochurim learning without distraction for 4 months.

If one has a shidduch that he is seriously considering he may submit the name of that individual at the beginning of the zman and is permitted to pursue that prospect even during the freezer. The point is to prevent a hefker atmosphere in the yeshiva as opposed to preventing shidduchim from materializing.

On the flip side if one is on the “BMG track” and presumably knows the rules of the system then technically he is as much to blame for having gone to BMG when he’s already going out. He could have come a few months earlier and the freezer wouldn’t have affected him at all.