Reply To: Chilonim complain about charedim on welfare but…

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Chilonim complain about charedim on welfare but… Reply To: Chilonim complain about charedim on welfare but…



(A serious problem develops in society’s with a liberal “welfare” state in that many individuals are content to live off their “entitlements”. This is becoming a very serious problem in Europe.)

I don’t see it a problem as long as welfare is not a lifetime entitlement. The system has its loopholes (for some people and in some countries like Germany or Belgium, there is absolutely no incentive to work since one can get more by being on the dole than working for a minimum-wage). They simply must force professional welfare-recipients to work,…or else they lose all benefits.

But honestly, for someone who wants to have a large family (like most religious Jews), Western Europe is the best place on earth, since you don’t have to worry about:

-Yeshiva for your kids (religious schools receive public funds).

-College (it’s free).

-Healthcare (Free).


-Paid maternal leave for up to 24 months.

-Lots of benefits and incentives for large families (the problem number one in Europe is low birth-rates and population ageing),…regardless of income.


3. If you defined “employment” the way it is done in America, there would be almost no unemployment among Israeli hareidim.

I agree with you, but the secular majority in EY don’t see it as you and me. For them religious studies are “worthless”,….and Charedim are “a problem” that need to be dealt with. This is pure bigotry.