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The Ohr Chodosh (to parshas V’yaira) says that RSBY had reached the madraiga of a ” malach saraf” and that he was “no longer compatable with this world and the world was not compatible with him”.

(The aruch hashulchan has a similar p’shat in why the malach replied to Manoach that his name was Peli. The ability of a malach , which is pure ruchnius ,to interact with humans on this world is a ” daver peleh” Similarly we say in asher yatzar ” u’mafli laasos”; this relates to the great nes required to keep the nefesh and guf working together)

In any event , I don’t think its fair to say RSBY “forgot” about the common man ; he transcended mankind.

I also saw in Minhag yisroel torah that the minhag is specifically burn clothing. ( thus the complaints about bal tashchis). He brings down that the basis for the minhag is that RSBY became like adam harishon kodem hachait. Just as Adam and Chava had no need for clothing, so it was with RSBY.