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I once heard that since there is a mitva to learn torah whenever possible, and not everyone can learn gemara or things like that while walking or doing work etc, a good idea wouild be to say softly to yourself – or at least think- in English- simple everyday basic halachos – like “on fruit you say borei pri haetz, on vegetables Haadomo, on water shehakol, on wine hagofen, on bread hamotzi, on a trip tfilas haderech, after bathroom asher yatsar” etc. and this is considered learning because its saying the halachos. You can also say things like – money is muktsa on shabbos, a pen is also and so is a computer. Its ossur to cook and to turn lights on on shabbos. All these very basic halachos are considered 100% mitsva of learning Torah and every minute spent saying these things is “Talmud Torah keneked kulam”.