Reply To: Korach's Profound Argument

Home Forums Bais Medrash Korach's Profound Argument Reply To: Korach's Profound Argument

Patur Aval Assur

I’m not sure how you are answering my question. Obviously Korach could have picked any mitzva and found something that had no logical reason. But I am operating under the assumption that Korach was granting that there could be mitzvos whose reasons we don’t know. But his kashya from Techeiles was that we know the purpose of Techeiles and a Tallis Shekula Techeiles would accomplish that purpose just as well (if not better) than the strings of Techeiles. My question then is why he had to come on to a Tallis Shekula Techeiles when there are so many simpler ways that he could have made the same point about Techeiles.