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RF: That’s what the Shulchan Aruch says (14:4). The Achronim (I think even the M”B) explain that because in his time, Seforim were both incredibly valuable and easy to damage. Thus, it wasn’t worth it (the Tzitz Eliezer applies this to other people’s Taleisim now that we know about germs, even though the Mechaber is explicit that a Tallis is okay) so we assume that someone won’t let without explicit permission. Many Poskim nowadays say it is okay to borrow Seforim without permission because they are much more durable nowadays and less valuable, so people are more inclined to let someone use them. It would take a very cruel person to not allow someone to lose your money to save his own life. Thus, we should assume that he would want you to eat. Why that logic doesn’t hold true is the question.