Reply To: starving – binging

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee starving – binging Reply To: starving – binging


Starving and bingeing obviously are not part of a good diet plan. OCCASIONALLY holding off on eating a meal because you want to have, say, an ice cream sundae, so you decide to conserve your calories at THAT time in favor of the “good stuff,” does not mean you habitually starve yourself and then binge on fattening foods. And I hope you are not bingeing and purging (by vomiting or using laxatives), as that can damage your esophagus, your tooth enamel, and your heart.

If you have a problem of this nature, PLEASE speak to a professional about it, one who specializes in eating disorders, and not rely on the advice of well-meaning strangers (even mine)on a blog. This is serious stuff, and not to be treated lightly. I would go so far as to say it is pikuach nefesh. If you know someone in this matzav, pelase encourage that person to seek help.