Reply To: What is the biggest Chesed that anyone has ever done for you?

Home Forums Chesed What is the biggest Chesed that anyone has ever done for you? Reply To: What is the biggest Chesed that anyone has ever done for you?


My kids’ yeshivahs all gave us AMAZING tuition breaks. When my daughter wanted to go to Seminaryin E”Y after High School, the Seminary reduced her tuition, and her High School picked up the rest of it. We only had to pay for the plane fare and incidentals.

When we were going through another financial crisis (and I had lost my job of 14 years), someone in the neighborhood who heard about our situation, privately arranged to pay off a large grocery tab that we had run up around Pesach time. I never found out who did it. But I thank them from the bottom of my heartand wish them continued good health and arichas yamim.

But one of the biggest chassadim done for me, was the many, many people who drove me to and from appointments and for shopping, helped me with carpool, when I was not yet a driver and did not have a second car even when I did finally learn. I made a promise to myself, which I keep as often as I can, to likewise give rides to people in similar situations, even when it takes me “out of my way.” I am appreciative for the opportunity to give back some of what I received.