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The little I know

Here are several ideas that are worth trying.

1. Let every tefillo include a silent, personal request from HKB”H. It can be in English, or whatever language you feel useful in expressing your desire. It can be a small thing (G-d, help me pass my history test today), or bigger issues such as success in parnosoh, shidduchim for your children, etc.

2. There are many seforim and books that provide much more information about our tefillos beyond the translation. What is the origin of a particular tefillo, when did it become part of the accepted nusach, what are the differences in nusach and what do they mean, what kavanos are appropriate for which parts of tefillo, etc?

3. Approach tefillo as an emotional experience that should leave behind a residual change. The Baal Shem Tov is quoted as stating, “If you are after davening the same as you were before davening, why did you bother?”

4. Take note of others davening. While there are some who appear to address davening as a chore, there are always those who are sincere. Perhaps there are mispallelim who are putting on a show, and are totally enveloped in their own egos. But the sincere people who are focused on relishing the opportunity to stand in the presence of the Shechina – take note of them. Don’t mimic them. Just join in the process.

5. Recall that each of us is a child of Hashem, and that he is only asking for a few precious minutes to speak to him every day. We take the three steps to approach our Father who wants to shower us with the shefa that is best for us. All He wants is for us to ask Him.

These are some ideas that may resonate. Try them out. See what works.