Reply To: Obama 2016!

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“I had a computer full of Obama’s accomplishments but it crashed”

Let me help you out!

Domestic accomplishments:

1) Great recession ended without a depression.

2) Most Americans now have access to health insurance.

3) Budget deficit declines every year.

4) Unemployment lower than at any time since the crash of 2008.

5) Natural gas production at an all time high.

6) US now the #1 oil producer in the world.

7) Stock market at all time record highs.

Foreign policy accomplishmeents:

1) Bin Laden dead.

2) Almost all other top Al Qaeda leaders dead.

3) Ghadafi dead.

4) Greek debt crisis contained.

5) Strategic arms treaty with Russia.

6) Free trade agreement with Columbia.

7) Free trade agreement with Panama.

8) Free trade agreement with South Korea.

9) Iran faces most draconian sanctions in peacetime any country has ever faced.

10) US-Israel military cooperation at highest level in history.

11) US funds Israel’s development of Iron Dome.

12) US out of Iraq in accordance with agreement Bush signed with Al-Maliki.

13) US *not* in Syria.

14) Republic of the Philippines invites US Navy back. (It had kicked us out under the first Bush.)