Reply To: Obama 2016!

Home Forums Humor & Entertainment Obama 2016! Reply To: Obama 2016!


“The IRS became Obama’s IRS when he took office. “

And one thing he did wrong was to leave the Bush administration holdovers in charge there.

” it certainly appears that the White House directed the IRS to give Conservative (alright, Tea Party) groups a hard time.”

There is no evidence for that, even though the Tea Party groups did deserve a hard time on their 501(c)4 applications. They simply aren’t social welfare organizations. In fact, they could have been charged with perjury for claiming to be on their application to the IRS.

“It’s funny that the Dems who ridiculed NCLB love Common Core and the Reps who supported NCLB take shots at Common Core.”

I have not been defending Common Core. It is a good idea in theory but like NCLB it relies too heavily on standardized testing.

“Simply calling an accusation a lie isn’t refutation. “

I was responding to a commenter who was accusing Obama of, among other things, mass murder. It is not for me to disprove such an outrageous slander. It is reminiscent of the attacks on Israel today.

“You typify what is wrong with political discourse in America today.”

That you attack ME and not the people who initiated the slanders that I debunked shows what is wrong with political discourse in America today. Right wingers make scandalous false attacks on Obama, and the guy who debunks them gets attacked.

“being in the country illegally is a crime (hence the word illegal)”

Actually, in most cases it is not a crime. It is civil violation, like a parking ticket. It is a crime when you re-enter only after having previously been deported. If you are here illegally and get caught, you can in most cases leave immediately at your own expense and return legally later. (If you have been convicted of a serious crime, you are deported and can’t return legally for at least ten years.)

It is possible to make it a crime — and indeed it is a crime in some countries, but then you would have to double or triple or quadruple the size of the federal prison system if you wanted to imprison the illegals. You’d also have to double or triple the number of federal judges, federal prosecutors, and public defenders, and enact a tax increase to pay for it all.

“I think Charlie just meant to deliniate his words from the words of the one to whom he was responding, though. ALL CAPS is easier than italics. “

That is correct.