Reply To: Trivia..What are the 3 rarest Haftorahs

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Trivia..What are the 3 rarest Haftorahs Reply To: Trivia..What are the 3 rarest Haftorahs


42 Ive calculated those too:

dirshu is recited 500% of the time (i.e exactly 5 times every eyar)

Rani vesimchi chanukah Behaloscha every year = 200%

Rani akarah 100% during 7 d’nechemta + noach (68%)= 168%

Hashamayim Kisi can be said, 3, 2, 1 or never during ayear averaging to 162.7 %

Ditto for Macher chadosh though it is less than Hashamyim Kisi at 110.3% 9I have to double check this one since i had a mistake in Kedoshim as rwndk1 pointed out above.

The seventh day Pesach (100%) is same as Haazeinu (if not shabbas shuvah (39.5%) for a total of 139.5%

Interestingly Vayakehl is also the haftorah for second shabbos Chanukah but both of these are uncommon (10.6% during shabbos Vayakehl + 18.4% for second Shabbos chanukah = 30%)

[I only included repeated haftorahs not pesukim, i left out those who say a posuk of Machar chodesh if entire haftorah isnt said)

As for the Parshas you listed:

Tetzaveh isnt that rare as it is read every leap year, and in one non leap year 41.2%

Ki sisa read every leap eyar and TWO non-leap years 58.2%

Mishpatim is rarer since can also be Rosh chodesh Adar 1 or machar chodesh adar 1 so while in leap eyar it isnt a daled parsha it is still only said 23.9%. Uncommon but not quite among the Most uncommon.