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Mod 72: I think goldie means because sepharadim can have many things that ashkenazim don’t have on pesach.

Goldie: both not a big deal

Nine days:

Thursday: spanach and mijredeh (rice with lentels)

Friday: shabbat, so meat

Mosei shabbat: bagels, grilled cheese (whatever u normaly have)

Sunday: go for pizza

Monday: baked ziti and potato borekas

Tuesday: spaghetti with sauce

Wednesday: kuseh (its squash with cheese and fried onions and stuff. Can’t really explain it but its good) with koos koos

Thursday: macaroni and cheese and baked potatos with cheese and broccoli.

Friday: shabbat……..

Mosei shabbat:……

So that was easy!! I just came up with dinners on the spot!!