Reply To: Social Work School


BTW if you graduate with a bs in social work many times you can finish Social work school early.

Wurzweiller has the real only paid intership program called PEP (planned for employed persons) Basically you can use your job as your field work, as long as you have a bit of a different job description or take on other responsibilties your second year.

Condition A) Someone from your work or a professor of the school that is qualified must supervise you and have regular meetings with you

B) Your employer must be friendly to the idea and you must come with your job and work already by the time the semester begins (Ohel Hasc womens League and Hamaspik all have programs in place,just dont expect to be paid so much as you are starting out and also need a flexible schedule. Additionally, many non-jewish agencies such as ACS and YAI have similar programs with some tuition reimbursement in place (obviously certain rules and conditions apply)

In the Pep program you attend school at night and on Sundays.

C)Keep in mind that YU graduate schools are open to all though they definitely do make an effort to keep Frum ideals in perspective. Yes there are davkanicks that are lihachis against certain frum ideals but you have that in all graduate programs, at least by Wurzweiller you can speak back. Additionally all YU schools run on a Frum schedule, so no worries about yomim tovim and assignments.Aside from the PEP schedule,Wurzweiller in general has the highest amount of classes available at different times.

The knock against Wurzweiller (same against NYU Columbia Adelphi) is that it is more expensive then Hunter