Reply To: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel

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I was at a shiur and the speaker mentioned at the class, about why there are so many more tragedies in the Summertime R”L, then normal, and the speaker mentioned because the there is a breach in the laws of Tzinius. The Yeter Hara makes the Summer a little more difficult for some women to be Tzinus. When some posters say, well, what they want to wear is their business, their thinking is incorrect, because how they dress does effect Klal Yisrael. At this same class, we were told how we when we are hot and sweaty, and we still make sure that we are dressed properly, Hashem collects those drops, and B”H, when the time for Ticiyas Hamasim, comes, Hashem will turn the sweat in to the dew that will revive them. So girls, in the merit of keeping the laws of Tzinus, only good can come of it.