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From the Book “Daughters of Dignity”

Spritual Rewards for Tzinus

A) Kedusha rests upon a Tznua – one who behaves modestly merits to be close to Hashem

B) The Shechinah Dwells in the home of a Tznuah

Medrash Tanchuma teaches a awesome analogy of When a woman is modest in her home, she is compared to a Mizbach. Just as a Mizba’ach generates Kedusha, for it atones for the sins of Klal Yisroel, so too a tznua generates Kedusha in her home and serves as an atonement for her household

C) Through Tznius, we not only generate holiness onto to ourselves and our homes, but we cause kedusha to permeate the whole world.

Rabbi Shmuel Dishon Shilta, relates a story, when he was in Russia a non jewish lady came to him and 2 other rabbonim and begged that she wanted to become a jew. As required by Halachah, they tried to dissuade her by telling her to keep the 7 mitzvos of Noah & still get Olam Haba. She answered that she read some where, that when a Ben Noach performs a mitzvah, he received reward but does not bring holiness into the world. She wanted to become a Bas Yisroel so she could bring kedusha into the world through her mitzvos.

Fortunate are wer to be born Jewish Women and have the constant opportunity throught overcoming challenges in tzinus to bring kedusha into the world.