Reply To: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel Reply To: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel


Squeak, in my first post on this thread, I wrote that women have this important mitzva of tznius precisely to protect the women from an unwanted kind of attention from men.

But there is seperate issue of men working on their yetzer hora. Their thoughts should not dwell constantly on women and not keep on seeking out the forbidden. It is not realistic to expect the whole world, the goyim and the non-Chareidim to dress like the Chareidim.

And while it is normal for a man to have some sort of attraction to women as Hashem gave that feature for men, however constantly looking at women and their dress is clearly against halacha. So what do you mean with their job is done?