Reply To: Breach in Tznius: Recent affliction attacking Klal Yisroel

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so right

I just want to amend something I’ve posted yesterday. Semi-straight skirts fall in the same catefory as straight skirts and do need at least 4″ from under the knee cap to cover the knee, not only when sitting but when moving around while sitting.

Straight and semi-straight skirts can ride up slightly (or a lot-depending on the skirt and figure)when sitting, while skirts that have enough fabric in the width, do not ride up and therefore for me (everyone needs to check it out for themselves) 2.5-3″ of skirt lenghth from under the knee, sufficiently covers the knee area.

This thread has made me more tznius concious than I’ve been. I think writing about it, makes one become more observant in this area. I think that if the schools would require of their students one essay a year with a topic and/or discussion such as “why tznius is important to me” or “how did my perception of tznius change within the course of a year” it would get girls a chance to explore the topic of tznius how it pertains to them and to think about tznius in a constructive manner.

clearheaded- I think that would be a great idea.