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Rashi- “A Tzadik marries a tznua; A Rasha marries a prutza”
Chazal say “a person is given the partner he deserves and requires” (Sotah 2a). On this Rashi writes “A modest woman for a tzadik and an immodest woman for rasha”. It is remarkable that Rashi does not say that the wife of a tzadik is very knowledgable, intelligent, or a great Baalas Chesed. The ONE and only quality mentioned by Rashi is tznius. Evidently, tznius is the most important quality that the partner-in-life of a tzadik must have. A tznuah makes a home environment in which the tzadik can grow and flourish.
The rasha is likewise granted a wife that enables him to pursue his desires, because “A person is helped to go the way he wished to go (Makos 10b). Since he has chosen to be a rasha, the ideal wife for him is a prutza. Here again, Rashi does not say that the wife of a rasha is woman who does not keep kashrus or Shabbos, is a miser or the like. Evidently, that which affects the husband most and helps his crooked way is the fact that she is a prutza.
Encouraging girls to tznius with this information:
Transmitting the information just mentioned to girls can be a great source of chizuk to them, and a reprimand to those who are at present indifferent to tznius and Jewish refinement, If a girl realizes her complete future can hinge on how much Yiras Shmayaim and tznius she imbibies to incorporates into herself, she will increase her effort and not delay implementing such essentials with earnestness. An awareness that the good midos and earnest yiddishkeit of her husband will be directly related to how tznuah she is, can have a very far reaching effect on her.
It is in fact a principle of chinuch to bring a child or adult to realize that it is not for the sake of others this or that is being demanded of them. It is for their own good. They, more than anyone else, need and will benefit enormously from which is being required, and that without it their lives could well in in partial, if not total, ruin c”v.