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Ben Levi

Philosopher, You hit the nail on the head!

Not “Judging” has become a password for “leave me alone I can do what I want and you should still think the same of me’.

Real Ahavas Yisroel has nothing to do with not “Judging”, It is no secret that the Yeshiva World is fiercly “anti chabad” yet it has been the Yeshiva World that has rallied to support and defend Rubashkin lately while unfortunatley those that are extremley into “ahavas yisroel” and “not-judging” rushed to condemn and failed to support.

Real Yiddishkeit is indeed to “judge” based upon Torah, to advocte for Torah and Halachic Observance and to make clear that full Halachic Observance is required At the same hand we must remember a “brother remains a brother no matter what. That is real Ahavas Yisroel.